Paradise Lost (short film)
In this religious experimental short film, a faithful nun discovers she has the gift of performing miracles and must decide how she will use her gift - for good or evil. In this avant-garde case study of good, evil, religion and the area in between, we explore themes of sin, free will, and fate. Selected for the 2020 SXSW Longhorn Denius Showcase and the 2020 International DC Shorts Festival
directed / edited by me
have you ever read paradise lost by john milton?
the birth:
Paradise Lost was born out of the complete obsession with religion and the curiosity of the devil archetype. After reading the mythloric text Paradise Lost by John Milton, tracing the descent to hell of the fallen angel Lucifer Morningstar, I began to wonder about the legitimacy of a devil character at all in our universe. Questions appeared in my head: If the Christian God is all omniscient and all powerful, why let one of his favorite followers fall from grace? Why let this jealous angel walk into the garden of Eden and corrupt the beloved human race?
the thesis:
Due to my metaphysical questions of good and evil, I composed an allegorical narrative of the fall of Lucifer. Instead of a fallen angel, Lucifer is a female nun named Lucille dnd here God plays a priest. The backdrop a convent. Here I explored the thoughts and emanations of God and the Devil in a mystical power play for control and influence over the rest of the angels (nuns) and soon to be human race. What I came to understand was that God needed Lucifer, or in this film Lucille, to disobey, so that the humanity can learn and grow. Nothing is eternal, the balance of chaos and peace are at a constant battle to maintain equilibrium. God needed a foe, so he can be the savior. Light will always cast a shadow. One can not exist without the other.